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24 de agosto de 2013

HUSET - IKEA furniture for dolls / HUSET - Muebles IKEA para muñecos


When I knew these IKEA furniture were to be sold, I didn't hesitate a moment to go and buy them as were available. They're as expected and are perfect for tiny BJD's and Barbie type dolls.

The set consists of a pink couch with a case that can be removed and washed, a green table, a design yellow chair, a shelf that can be placed either vertically or horizontally, a design carpet and a heart cushion with arms that is lovely. All furniture is made of plastic, but it's high quality plastic and resilient, so serves both for children and collectors.

In the case include cut-outs that can be colored and used for decorating. I'm not going to use them because I want to keep the box to easily keep this furniture, as I'm not going to use them on a permanent diorama.


Cuando me enteré de que estos muebles del IKEA se iban a poner a la venta, no lo dudé ni un momento para ir a comprarlos tal y como estuviesen disponibles. Son tal y como esperaba y para BJD’s tiny y muñecas tipo Barbie son perfectos.

El set está compuesto por un sofá rosa con funda que se puede quitar y lavar, una mesa verde, una silla amarilla de diseño, una estantería que se puede poner tanto en vertical como en horizontal, una alfombra de diseño y un cojín corazón con brazos que es una monería. Todos los muebles son de plástico, pero plástico de muy buena calidad y resistentes, así que sirve tanto para niños como para coleccionistas.

En la caja incluyen unos recortables que se pueden colorear y utilizar para decorar. Yo no los voy a utilizar porque quiero conservar la caja para poder guardar fácilmente estos muebles ya que no los voy a usar en un diorama permanente.

And for you to see as is the whole set, a photo of our tiny dolls in their new room (mental note: Daisuke and foxes shouldn't be together because they don't know each other).
Y para que veáis como queda todo el conjunto, foto de nuestros tiny en su nuevo salón (nota mental: Daisuke y los zorritos no deberían estar juntos porque ni se conocen).

And I want to add that I have updated the FAQ with new questions and organized by blocks. Check them out and if you see that there's not a questions that you think is necessary, you can leave a comment and I'll add it.
También quiero comentar que he actualizado las FAQ con preguntas nuevas y organizadas por bloques.  Echadles un vistazo y si veis que falta alguna pregunta que creéis que es necesaria, podéis dejarme un comentario y la añadiré.

Thanks for your visit. // Gracias por vuestra visita.

2 comentarios :

  1. I have seen a few of these around the dolly sites Lily, very popular with the Blythe girls. Hopefully I will get mine on our next visit to Ikea ... THIS WEEK ... it will go beautifully with my new backdrop. Love what you have done with it, your diorama looks great.

    1. Your're right, Sandi, these are very popular around Blythe dolls. I've seen them with Moster High dolls as well ^^ Hope you can get yours soon, sure you'll love this set.

      Thanks, though I only put them on my desk to take the pic XD
      Hugs, Lily ^^


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