A couple weeks ago I went to the post office to send a couple of things and I went with my mother to Carrefour because we were halfway. The reason? To purchase those two Nancy sets of clothings that we couldn't buy the last time we went.
When we got to the mall, we went straight to the toy section to look for those boxes of clothing and this time the three models were available, so we took the two that were missing. They also had a box (more expensive) with two outfits; a set of trousers and a T-shirt and a dress, although we'll buy it another day, if doesn't, it doesn't matter because we're only interested in the set of trousers and T-shirt since the dress has the logo of Nancy and only my Nancy dolls would wear it (soon I'll talk about them).
When we got to the mall, we went straight to the toy section to look for those boxes of clothing and this time the three models were available, so we took the two that were missing. They also had a box (more expensive) with two outfits; a set of trousers and a T-shirt and a dress, although we'll buy it another day, if doesn't, it doesn't matter because we're only interested in the set of trousers and T-shirt since the dress has the logo of Nancy and only my Nancy dolls would wear it (soon I'll talk about them).
Hace un par de semanas fui a Correos para enviar un par de cosas y aproveché para ir al Carrefour con mi madre, ya que nos pillaba de camino. ¿El motivo? Para comprar aquellos dos sets de ropa para Nancy que no pudimos comprar la última vez que fuimos.
Nada más llegar al centro comercial, fuimos directamente a la sección de juguetes para buscar esas cajas con ropa y esta vez estaban disponibles los tres modelos, así que cogimos los dos que nos faltaban. También tenían una caja (más cara) con dos trajecitos; un conjunto de pantalón y camiseta y un vestido, aunque ese ya lo compraremos en otra ocasión y si no, no importa ya que solo nos interesa el conjunto de pantalón y camiseta ya que el vestido tiene el logotipo de Nancy y se lo quedarían mis muñecas Nancy (de las que pronto hablaré).
BOX 1 · CAJA 1
BOX 2 · CAJA 2
As you can see, these two outfits combine perfectly with the first one we bought a few weeks ago. So Akane already has more clothes to combine. Although there's something that annoys us: everything is too pink. We'd like to see more clothes in other colours and forget pink a little bit. And above all, we want clothes for Lucas! I can't understand why they have this doll in shops and they don't design clothes for him as they do with Nancy.
As you see, apart from clothes it includes a set with a comb, a brush and a mirror, sunglasses, shoes and a headband, but as I said, sunglasses are too big even for my SD, shoes are for my Nancy dolls and headbands are for Danielle.
As you see, apart from clothes it includes a set with a comb, a brush and a mirror, sunglasses, shoes and a headband, but as I said, sunglasses are too big even for my SD, shoes are for my Nancy dolls and headbands are for Danielle.
Como podéis ver, estos dos conjuntos combinan a la perfección con el primer conjunto que ya compramos hace unas semanas. Así que Akane ya tiene más ropita para combinar. Aunque hay algo que nos mosquea bastante: que sea todo tan rosa. Nos gustaría que sacasen más ropa en otros colores y se olviden un poco del rosa. Y sobre todo, ¡que saquen ropa para Lucas! No puedo llegar a comprender que tengan ese muñeco a la venta y no se dignen a diseñar ropa para él como hacen con Nancy.
Y como veis, aparte de la ropa viene con un set de peine, cepillo y espejo, unas gafas de sol, zapatos y una cinta para el pelo para llevar como una diadema, pero como ya comenté, las gafas de sol son enormes incluso para mis SD, los zapatos se los quedan mis Nancys y Danielle se ha quedado con las diademas.
Y como veis, aparte de la ropa viene con un set de peine, cepillo y espejo, unas gafas de sol, zapatos y una cinta para el pelo para llevar como una diadema, pero como ya comenté, las gafas de sol son enormes incluso para mis SD, los zapatos se los quedan mis Nancys y Danielle se ha quedado con las diademas.
And finally, Akane wearing her new outfits. I have to add that accessories, stockings and boots don't belong to any set for Nancy dolls.
Y a continuación, Akane luciendo sus nuevos modelitos. Tengo que añadir que complementos, medias y botas no pertenecen a ningún conjunto para muñecas Nancy.
In the next photo you have a better view of the star on the trouser.
En la siguiente foto podéis ver mejor la estrella del pantalón.
As I was already taking photos, I took photos of her wearing the rest of dresses and outfits for Nancy dolls we have at home. So you can see how these clothes fit on MSD.
Ya que estaba, le hice fotos a Akane con el resto de vestidos y conjuntos de la Nancy que tenemos por casa. Así podéis ver cómo le queda esta ropa a las MSD.
The last photo is from last year's Halloween photo shoot. You can see the dress from other angles in that shoot. T-shirt, hat, leggings and boots were bought in other shops.
Note: I just confirm something I suspected; picasaweb darkens photos a lot
The original photos are much lighter, their background is completely white, not grey, so I'll upload photos to flickr and bye bye, picasaweb. This has made me find another topic to talk about in the blog.
Note: I just confirm something I suspected; picasaweb darkens photos a lot

La última foto pertenece a la sesión de Halloween del año pasado. En ella podéis ver el vestido desde otros ángulos. La camiseta, gorro, leggings y botas se compraron en otras tiendas.
Nota: Acabo de confirmar algo que sospechaba; picasaweb oscurece muchísimo las fotos
Las originales son muchísimo más claras, viéndose el fondo completamente blanco y no gris, así que subiré las fotos a flickr y a picasaweb que le den por ahí. Esto me ha hecho encontrar otro tema del que hablar en el blog.
Nota: Acabo de confirmar algo que sospechaba; picasaweb oscurece muchísimo las fotos

¡Qué bien! ¡Un desfile de modelos! ¡Me gusta, me gusta! :)
ResponderEliminarLily, I like a lot the white dress with stars, flowers and skulls on it. It's really cute! I'm sure Mana would love it too. Lucky that Nancy's clothes fit Akane quite right in spite of the pink thing.
Gracias Mae, sabía que te gustaría el desfile de modelos :)
EliminarIt's a shame that Mana is too big for wearing that white dress. Sure she'd love it.
I can see what you mean about the pink Lily, but I'm so pleased you finally got the packs you wanted...you must have so much fun with your mum, lucky girl. :)
Thanks Sandi. I know that I'm very lucky. My mother has loved dolls from the time she was a child and that's why we can share this beautiful hobby ^^
EliminarGreetings! ^^